Out of office attitude

March 9, 2022 – Deb Uglem

Out of office attitude
Out of office attitude
Counting down the days until vacation is always fun. You find yourself planning outfits, outings and hopefully tee times. This excitement can last for weeks and then you are there. Officially on vacation and it's interesting how the mind shifts to what you should be doing for work.

This Wednesday we are talking about that out of the office attitude. I was having my morning coffee when I found myself back inside working and I decided I needed a new out of office attitude. I moved myself to the patio and decided to enjoy the sunshine. Of course my GOLF sweatshirt pairs great with coffee and mountain views. The work will still get done, but I am going to enjoy the journey.

Today I encourage you (even if you are not on vacation) to take a minute to slow down and enjoy the views around you.

Have a great Wednesday!


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