Get Holiday Ready with new Jane 1530 product
October 5, 2022 – Deb Uglem

How early is too early?
I worked for Target for years and I always felt like I was celebrating holidays before everyone else. Labor Day meant Halloween, Halloween meant Thanksgiving and Christmas. And of course the New Year meant Valentine's Day. When I think about it now–I loved it.
I always felt on top of things. Dare I even say ahead of schedule.
Today Jane 1530 is going to get you ready for the holidays–early!
This Wednesday we are dressing your holidays with dishware and accessories that will be a big hit at your holiday get-togethers or any given Wednesday.
We still have our course inspired dinner plates, appetizer plates and serving pieces. They make great gifts and are available now on the site. Just a reminder they come boxed and ready to gift.

What’s new you ask?
As you guys know, dishware is more than a hobby, more than even my job. My husband may even call it an obsession.
To tell you the truth I don’t know if he has given up on asking me how many different “plates” we need or if he is just not that observant. I do know– whether he would admit it or not– he does like sitting down to family dinner with place settings that fit our mood, the month or the occasion.
Which brings us to what’s new. Jane 1530 is adding to the dishware collection. You will see coffee mugs, appetizer plates, dinner plates that celebrate the holidays and seasons. You’ll see tea towels, shot glasses and tumblers that add that little bit extra to the event. All new items will be available on on November 1.
If you are lucky enough to live in the Fargo-Moorhead Area join us at the Jane 1530 Pop-Up on October 12 at TAK Music Venue from 3pm-9pm. We will debut the new product at the event. Hope you can make it.
Until then enjoy the preview photos and have a great Wednesday.
Bonus: In the upcoming weeks you will have an opportunity to download Jane 1530’s Dishing Up Style Guide - 5 Steps to the Perfect Table Setting. Watch for the free guide that will take you through themes, linens, dishware, flatware and more.