Wrapping up Wednesday over coffee
November 23, 2022 – Deb Uglem

I remember the days when my kids were in college and would head home for the holidays. The house would always take a hit. I am sure you can picture it–shoes everywhere, dirty clothes bags piled in the laundry room and the constant pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen. They would drop everything, hug me, call friends and be off for the evening.
But in the morning they were mine. I would make pancakes as they would wake up slowly. One by one they would wake and head to the kitchen. Morning coffee (sometimes mimosa) , breakfast and great conversation. I would hear about their college lives and at the risk of sounding sapping I would marvel at how they were becoming adults with ideas, opinions and a life outside of mine.
I think these kinds of memories are why I love dishware so much. My best times are around a table or standing in the kitchen. My kids have their favorite mugs, glasses and plates at my house and so do I.
So This What to Wrap Wednesday is talking coffee mugs that can make memories. We have it all– Christmas trees, Santa, reindeer and of course golf. Gift a cup of memories. As always these come wrapped and ready to gift.
Cheers to making holiday memories. Hope your Wednesday is great.
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. There is 32 days until Christmas.
P.S.S. If you're wondering, most of my kids live in town now. But I still say come over early for coffee and sometimes they do! I take what I can get these years :)